The Business

EAP-Centaurus is a structural engineering consultancy, expert in timber frame and small scale residential construction. I provide structural calculations and drawings for Building Warrant applications.

Come here for new house designs, alterations & extensions. I can quickly provide feedback and advice for your project.

You may have heard about SER, or even already have an Architect onboard and be preparing to employ a structural engineer for your warrant application. SER is a system peculiar to Scotland that circumvents the normal procedure of the council’s Building Standards Department checking the proposed engineering.
For most domestic projects SER is totally unnecessary and you’d find the standard process just as quick, and cheaper.
The big consultancy firms, of course, very successfully persuade Architects and the Public of the necessity of SER, but this is just not true – as I have myself proved now for over 3 years.

So why not come to me for a keen fee proposal: a better, more personal design, rather than one just churned out by a big firm. Also, I don’t pay VAT, so why would you?

Other services I provide:
> Structural surveys.
> Drainage reports including testing for soil parameters and soakaway designs.
> Desktop studies highlighting likely soil conditions, inspection of historical maps in case of previous industrial use of the site, and identification of the Radon risk for the property.

Mobile / WhatsApp (+44) 7568 / 936 / 580